January 5, 2010

"Short" Summary: Tuesday 5th

So i'm back from New Zealand. It was pretty great despite the tedious car trips which took place almost everyday. These were long periods of being told off for being noisy but failing to sleep and when success is on its way there is a convenient bump on the road to wake you up. In total we travelled approximately 4000km in the squishy van over the ten days.
To tell the truth, it was only fun because of the 15 other family and friends who travelled with us. But either way, I still had fun. I'd say the highlights were:
Rafting- Helena got flung out of the raft during a huge rapid and was too shocked to go on the 5m free-fall from a waterfall
Cherry Picking- Everyone went mad and ate over half a kilo at the farm each. The parents swore they wouldn't eat a cherry in three years while stuffing themselves full with the bloody tasty fruit.
Bungee Jumping- Going there and being let down. Apparently I might die of shock halfway.

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