August 29, 2010

Electives: Sunday 29th

Haven't posted in a while, so I thought i'd just bash a few keys around now. Janet made a new blog, and her first post is tainted with the word "Guan." Something about there being too much... too much being four questions. But really. Four freaking, annoying as 2hr/ question questions. Oh the horror. I seem to moan a lot about tutoring on my blog, don't I ? I guess its quite an accurate representation of how big tutoring is in my life.
On to some other work related stuff.
Kripa was talking about electives... It seems heaps of people are doing commerce and something, most likely pass. I feel quite happy that i'm doing history and drama, but I have a terrible feeling i'm going to be all alone and I should've just done a "commerce and pass." Though I will certainly not succumb to peer pressure (I actually do know a few people who will be doing my classes, of course). I'm really excited about doing doing drama, especially now that I made Ning, switch her from a very typical "commerce and pass" to a typcial "commerce and something (drama)." I hope we get to make a film of some sort. My brother made one, and it seemed really, really fun.
oh right, and i guess history's not too bad...
Nah, I like history. Its just a lot harder to get excited about 1000 word essays than it is to get excited about filming and editing your own short film with your friends.
Still, better than a "commerce and pass" (nah, they're alright, i'm just jealous that everyone will have classes with each other).

Just before I go, THANKS FOR BLOGGING KRIPA ! Yeah, you saved me from the terrifying prospect of doing a no-new-posts-in-over-a-week.

Thanks for reading

my jars

hope jar: half full
optimism jar: empty
happy jar: invisible
sad jar: hey there best friend :/
love jar: don't even have one :|
smile jar: still existent. haven't forgotten how to smile (:
jellybean jar: oh noes. i thought it was full. i thought wrong aye?
'on a high' jar: lost it
wish jar: threw it away. wish i hadn't. need it now.
lalala jar: laaaaaaa
disappointment jar: the biggest and fullest.
regret jar: filled to the brim.
tear jar: overflowing
'hey there' jar: goodbye.

August 28, 2010

I'll teach you. You listen. And you're very cool. Really (:

OMG I HAVEN'T BLOGGED IN EXACTLY... A LONG TIME D: AND IM VERY SORRY ABOUT ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSED. TRUTH IS, I should get off caps lock (: and my laptop crashed so I was really unable to .. be bothered ? :L ahah. I'm sorry vivs.
I should get off caps lock. But it kinda just registered in my head that Daniel left. Daniel I hate you. Come back ==;
Ohoh. I love what I got for electives (: 200hour --- PASS AND COMMERCE IN THAT ORDER. I should get off caps lock. BUT YAY ! :D :D :D :D :D I'm like UBER UBER happy about that. (: sighs.
Life is really really good. AHAH. (:
I'm just venting all my happyfullness into this post, but hopefully I'll still have some in me.
Guys. They are VERY cool. Especially the ones that do weird stuff that disturb every girl standing on the surface of earth. eg.
--- Strip clap.
You know that clapping game ? The one where you clap once to proceed, twice to go the other way, and three times to skip a person ? It's such an entertaining game. I really enjoy watching people play. It's a different story when you play the way that the guys at Baulko play it. If you make a mistake you take a button off. Then when you take all your buttons off, you take your whole shirt off O_____O Honestly, it's still entertaining to watch :L The reactions and stuff. They're hilarious ;)
--- Rubadubdub.
This can be played with any number of people. More, the weirder and more disturbinger. You rub the eachothers' legs slowly and suggestively. If you chicken out, you lose.
(: ahah. I love our grade ;)
Love you byee xx

August 21, 2010

Just another Sautrday: Saturday 21st

I just spent 10 minutes looking for my PJs. Then I realised I was wearing them.
Just a typical Saturday.
I blame my headache though. Well my sort of fuzzy brain. Everything seems to be really slow and blurry and I move really slowly. Sorta like when you enter those suspiciously warm baby pools and you simply can't make sudden movements.
Anyway good luck to all the people who are doing, have done (RIP) or are about to do the 40 hour famine. My excuse for not doing it this year is that I don't have the heart to ask for money (only to give it to charity) but deep down inside I know I just cannot give up food for 40 hours so that a few starving children can live...

I'm only joking you know. I can't believe you would actually believe that.
I am sooo offended.

Thanks for reading

August 19, 2010

Homework Chants: Thursday 19th

Homework now, time wasting later. Homework now, time wasting later. Homework now, time wasting later.
That is my new chant when i'm on the laptop, for now at least. I don't think its working seeing that i'm blogging. I used to stick post it notes all over my screen saying "DO YOUR WORK." But i just ended up peeling them off and seeing them again after a few hours of doing nothing.
What do you guys do to try doing work? Or have you given up long ago?
Stick your comments in the cbox so that we can flush out all the blogwalkers that Kripa is terrified of.

Thanks for reading

August 17, 2010


Heyy guys and girls :)

Hm... I'M LEAVING. This blog. :(
Truth is.. i'm not getting paid enough ;) haha jks.

For the last time..

Byee, Have fun :)

Oh, because that was a long time ago, and chocolate bananas may not exist anymore.

Yes hi. I hate you.
KIDDING. You're absolutely adorable.
It's been quiet around here lately, so I thought I'd post :P
1) I can't feel my arms after that 40 push ups yesterday. Like I'm serious. I can't feel the top half of my body.
2) I think ninjas are pretty cute.
3) Chocolate bananas aren't that tasty after all.
4) Nikhil is really tall.
5) VA is so different without Ranjitha.
6) My sister is a gangster.
That is all.
Loveyou byee xx

August 14, 2010

Oops: Saturday 14th

I ate one of my elastics today.

Thanks for reading

August 11, 2010

Elastics and Bye: Wednesday 11th

I'm back, greeted by the sight of a whole post written at my expense.
That sounded angry, I just mean that it'd be more funny if it wasn't about me.

Anyway, I had my braces tightened today again and I have to wear elastics. Basically, they make it even harder to eat and I keep opening and closing my mouth subconsciously because they feel so stiff. I only realised I was doing this when I was walking past this little boy who was looking at me with genuine concern and probably got a bit freaked when I smiled at him so that he'd stop rudely gazing at my face. I swear, by the way he was looking at me, if I'd been there any longer he'd start crying or something.
BTW. The wikipedia article makes braces look so gross. And so does the blister article...
Just putting it out there (so that you guys will look at it and be put off too OR you guys will look at it and judge my views on what is gross or not and then claim that you didn't find it gross and tell me i'm an idiot).
Also, just want to share something my brother told me a while ago.
The origin of the word "Bye" goes like:
"Bye" "Goodbye" "God bu-y" "God be with you"
Sorry I can't end this blog on a particularly funny note,

Thanks for reading

August 10, 2010

This feeling? It's beautiful.

Yoyo (:
For one, I hate ebuddy.
I hate macs too. Now when you put them together, that's just a very depressing story. And it shall unfortunately be my story for the next couple of weeks. That's right, my hp laptop died. I lost everything. It all crashed. I'm saddened. Cheer me up with some good jokes in the cbox.
Speaking of jokes:
God wanted to speak to everyone in the world. He said, if you step on the pink cloud, your spouse will be uglier than the Baulko school uniform.
One day, Kripa walked by, holding hands with the ugliest guy in history. He was fat and short and balding. God asked "what happened?" Kripa replied, "I stepped in the pink cloud."
The next day, Ning walked by, holding hands with a guy even uglier than Kripa's. He was fatter, shorter and completely bald. He had mucus dripping out of his nose. God asked, "what happened?" Ning replied, "I stepped in the pink cloud."
The next day, Vivian walked by, holding hands with the hottest guy on earth. He had abs, perfect teeth and brilliant striking blonde hair. His smile would blow any girl away. And he even had a hot name... Antonio ;)
God asked, "what happened?" Antonio replied,"I stepped in the pink cloud."

LOL bib, I'm kidding, you're a hot thang (:
Love you byee xx

August 8, 2010

What's the difference between being intoxicated and being drunk?

Omgsh hii :P
My weekend was fine, thanks for asking. On saturday, I satisfied myself by reviewing the whole science focus book ==; it was quite the interesting pastime. LOL zzz..
Then people came over for dinner. Pretty boring to be honest (:HAHA
This morning I was meant to wake up early to go to dance class, but NO. Kripa is a tired little bub and was in no state to lift her body off the bed. So I enjoyed a very beautiful sleep in. ;D
But I still had my other dance class at 12. Haha the halls were locked ==; so we basically started at 12:30. PFT.
By the way, you guys should really read rip van winkle. Well not the whole story, but like summaries of it. It's really interesting. I like it. I LIKE IT.
Hey can I hear some of your middle names in the cbox? Or chinese names? I dunno. I find them interesting. (: mines Sangamithra. Unpronounceable, yes. Haha. comment on the cbox often by the way. We like it. WE LIKE IT.
Well, i've lost it. I'm intoxicated.
Love you byee xx

Inception: Sunday 8th

Just a quickie,
I watched Inception today. It was amazing. If you haven't already watched it, you should.
Pretty confusing at first, but in an intriguing way. If I was the type of person who'd pay to watch a movie more than once, I would definitely watch it again. Instead, I wrote this blog.
Oh well,

Thanks for reading

August 6, 2010

I like derr BLACK CAT.

There are the awkward days. And then there are the really nice days.

Hey everyone!
It's kinda freaky.. My RIGHT eyelid is continuously twitching like crazy. Usually, I wouldn't care, but this has been going on for an hour :O
Considering I'm Indian:
Eye Twitching Superstition - India: In India a twitching right eye is definitely a good sign while the left eye twitching is considered inauspicious.
YIPEE. I wonder what's gonna happen. Maybe I'll get an A in maths! Dream come true. HAHA JKS It's not my dream. I'm not THAT Asian (:
Today, the Japanese exchange students gave a performance. OH.MY.GOD. I loved it. I almost cried :P
But I didn't.. so shut up. hmph.
Also, we watched the futsal finals at lunch. HOW GOOD WERE THEY :O they can actually play soccer, unlike some people *coughtheboomchascough* I like our jerseys though (:
Some other nice superstitions:
~Seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose or hold your breath until you see a black or a brown dog.
~You must get out of bed on the same side that you get in or you will have bad luck.
~A bird in the house is a sign of a death.
~If you say good-bye to a friend on a bridge, you will never see each other again.
~It's bad luck to pick up a coin if it's tails side up. Good luck comes if it's heads up.
~To drop a comb while you are combing your hair is a sign of a coming disappointment.
~Pulling out a gray or white hair will cause ten more to grow in its place.
~If your nose itches you will soon be kissed by a fool.

Okay I'm not superstitious, but those superstitions are kinda scary O________________O HAH.
Thought I should share 'em with you.
Love you byee xx

And today was one of those awkward days.

August 4, 2010

You have a nice face ;D

Hihi (:
Wow. This feeling's really weird. Like a mix of "UGH EW. My day was YUCK. blehhhh. I wanna relive it" and "OMGSH I LOVE MY LIFE YIPYIPYAYYY *DANCES* *SINGS* WOOOHOOO". Yes. It's quite strange.
Today was GOOOD. Haha. Mixed feelings yet again. Best part was the Bee Movie. That was awesome (: Especially with Jason sitting next to you explaining the origin of Spiderman :L Funny.
The worst part was the fact we lost to Greystanes ==; AGAIN. I don't know why we played so badly today. The match was shortened to 20 MINUTES D: WHAT. Because the grounds were closed. Closed Schmosed. HMPH.
I absolutely ADORE the Japanese exchange students. They are SO CUTE. I love speaking Jap to them. adoooreable (:
ANYWAY. Got to goo edit my english essay film.. It's an utter fail, but that's okay :L
Love you byee xx

August 2, 2010

On my quest to learn CHINEESE. (:

So, school was pretty much a yucky poo today ==;
VA: We had Ms.. Boggs? Briggs? Biggs? DUNNO :P But she's Philo, and she's kindof.. weird.. O____O
LOL bleh.
Science: Double Kuksal isn't really ever a treat. First period reading a paper that didn't make sense, second period researching on a paper that didn't make sense. Funnily enough, I ended up finishing. Are you proud of me?
Maths: HAHAHA. The tables were rearranged, so instead of two people sitting behind me and pearl, there were six. Yes, SIX. And it's even worse when those people include Rani, Nikhil and Blake ==; Yes I know what you're thinking... It was a very lot noisy. Me Pearl Rani and Nikhil spent our time annoying Blake with our Bollywood actors talk, which finally concluded with Blake proving that Italians are better than Indians. I'm very sorry to say that WE'RE ALL EQUAL IN THEIS BEAUTIFUL MAGICAL WORLD. Although pizza tastes nice xD
English: We did this random sheet, which was quite difficult I must say. What on earth is a GLIB?
LUNCH: omgomgomg ==; BLAKE AND DANIEL HO WILL SUFFERRRR. Me and Ning were merely TALKING to Jono K, when they decided that it was film worthy. So we were caught on tape but we seemed like we were full on flirting with him. I'd like to point out that we were talking about Digital Photography, and if you categorise that as "flirting" then you shouldn't be a Baulko.
Commerce: Two hours of pure... boredom ): Ms Paix is REALLY awesome, but no offence, she keeps talking and talking and talking and...
Yup. So...
W hite
I ndians
L ike
L eftover
I gloos,
A nd
M andarins
L ive
Yeah so my Dad wants me to learn Mandarin >______________________>
GEEZ. Firstly, I don't want to, and secondly I've heard how hard it is D:
But, for his sake, I'll try ;D
The Jap Home Stay students arrived today, and though I didn't see many, they looked very excited (:
I can't wait to meet Chiharu, Sophia's homestay student, who'll be the only one in our class (: Apparently she has one eyelid??? O___O LOL
Well, that's enough talk for today ): I GTG. My dad's going to CHIIIINA for 2 weeks ==; Am I happy or sad? I DUNNO :L jksjks, I'll miss you daddy (What is it with my Dad and China? :L)
Love you byee xx

August 1, 2010


Oh my bug
Hii you gobblemonsters (:
Yes well I was saddened that the cbox was so empty, and that no one was blogging, so I gave up for awhile. But hey I come back two days later and viv blogged TWICE shock horror :P btw I'm blogging through my itouch so.. Yeah ignore typos :L
P- urple
A- nt
I- gnorer
So have you guys decided on your electives yet? cause, deary me, I'm lost. Sigh, I'll work it out ( wish me luck )
Yesterday, in the morning, I went to se my sister play netball. LOL they lost 17-2 ==; but my sister scored one so it's all good (:
Haha today Karen and monica came over to finish our english film gothic task thingoo ;D
Boy was it fun. My sisters were our actors :L lol fail. But they're better than I expected. Not too bad really. I made jyothi say 'whatever major loser' in one bit.. My it was hilarious. Will post on fb if I feel like it.
I can't wait for school tomorrow. Mainly cause of ray's haircut.. Apparently it's crap and I want to prove him wrong. Also, I haven't seen the 6 of you ( pearl Ning Janet edi steph bibs ) since Thursday. Makes me sad D:
Ooh btw.. Harry potter or twilight? (hp ftw)
Take your pick.. This is your chance to tell the world what you're made of. Comment in the cbox darlings ;D
Anyways gtg, will blog soon, huffbunnies ( sorry bout the random names, what else can a bored girl do? )
Love you byee xx

Sick: Sunday 1st

Sunday the first, that sounds nice.
Unlike my voice, which has gone all croaky (and non-existent at times). Its because of my mixture of colds and fevers- which are very self diagnosed- meaning i'm more than likely to be wrong.
I tend to do that a lot, hyphening and bracketing. Probably because of my inability to express myself in proper sentences. I also tend to pause mid post to criticise my writing. Oops.
So anyway, I keep bursting into fits of coughs and sneezes and they're so loud and phlegmy you can't just smile them away when people turn to look at the person responsible.
Theres only so much i can say about my cough before I start repeating myself. So lets moan about another part of my body no one cares about. My face. Not only is it the most disgus- ok no. Those who know me don't need reminding. Just moaning that I havent been sleeping enough and i'm getting huge-ass panda eyes.
Well I hope whatever wintery sickness im complaining about has amused you.

Thanks for reading