March 14, 2011

Stretchy Short Shorts: Monday 14th

Today I bought two pairs of stretchy shorts about 15cm long. Honestly, way to make me feel self conscious. As someone pointed out, its like wearing a second underwear. Clingy underwear. And the shirts short too. Theres no escape. If you haven't figured out already, i'm talking about the volleyball uniforms, that allow no fat to be hidden. We're wearing them for competitions at Albury in the holidays which is pretty exciting, despite that our team has already accepted defeat to over 50% of the games. I'm actually not exaggerating a lot or being too pessimistic, somehow we're actually a NSW team and we're going against people from Victoria and stuff. And obviously if you live that far away, I'm pretty sure these teams are pretty damn competitive. Plus they were probably chosen... honestly it beats me that we're allowed to go. Though, strangely enough we play a lot better when we don't feel obliged to win.
As far as the uniforms are going, I have a feeling i'm going to be spending half the time hiding in those awful jackets we ordered.

Also something I found exciting but i'll keep it quick because most of you probably know. We got our netbooks today and come on guys, stop complaining. They're good enough. I mean after hearing all those pre-complaints, they're FINE. I'm just worried that I have another thing to lose. A particularly expensive one too. Btw, how can they even compare it to carrying it around like a wallet? I mean, who carrys around wallets that weigh over a kilo.

Thanks for reading

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